Tuesday, June 8, 2010


It impacts everyone who goes to the beach--whether it's for a day of fun with your kids, dinner or a glass of wine with friends, or if you live in our colorful community.

There has been a movement by a small secretly-funded group to heavily restrict parking in Venice, creating what the LADOT calls "essentially gated communities," all in an effort to get RV’s off our streets. That's not what Venice is about. It's always been a welcoming place. If you've read enough, sign the petition now!

If you want more info, read on:

·Venice residents are being tricked into restricting YOUR access to the beach.

·You won’t be able to park for free on Venice streets.

·You might not be able to find spaces at all because residents will get preferential parking. Unless they move their cars out of your way at 5am, you’ll be waiting in line at beach lots and paying top dollar for a day at the beach.

·You won’t be able to park in Venice at all overnight.


·OPD’s are a regressive tax on renters and low income residents.

·OPD’s create virtual gated communities (according to LA DOT).

·OPD’s are expensive – the fees only cover 47% of the cost and the fees ALWAYS go up.

·Walk Streets don’t get a vote at all for their block.

·OPD’s only save your space from 2-5am. They don’t solve business parking congestion or free up your parking at the end of the day.

·Even if each block gets to decide, the domino effect will be endless. If your block says no, but the next block says yes, your neighbors and their guests can park for free on your street instead of paying to park on theirs.

·Forget spontaneity! – you’d better plan ahead to have any overnight guests so you have a permit for them.

Sign the petition: http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/no-permit-parking-in-venice.html

This Thursday, come to the CCC hearing and tell them No! Do not restrict public access to Venice Beach! Marina Del Rey Hotel, 8:30am 13534 Bali Way, Marina Del Rey

If you can’t attend Email the CCC: cposner@coastal.ca.gov and sign the petition now. http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/no-permit-parking-in-venice.html

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