Wednesday, June 2, 2010


The COASTAL COMMISSION will be meeting in Marina del Rey, Wednesday-Friday, June 9-11. Meetings begin at 9 am.

On Thursday, June 10, the VSA application for OPDs in Venice will be heard. Attend and be counted. 

Please plan to be there if you don't like legal coercion,
think poor people should be treated fairly,
don't want permit parking,
and/or believe in access to the beach
and coastal zone for all.

Marina del Rey Hotel
13534 Bali Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292

 a. Appeal No. A-5-VEN-08-343 (City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Transportation, Los Angeles) Appeal by Peggy Lee Kennedy et al and Executive Director, Peter Douglas from decision of City of Los Angeles granting permit to City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Transportation to establish Overnight Parking District No. 523 (in the Venice area) with early morning parking restrictions, exempting vehicles with District No. 523 permits, City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (CP-LB)
b. Application No. 5-08-313 (City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Transportation, Venice) Application of City of Los Angeles, Dep. of Transportation to Establish Overnight Parking District No. 523 (in the Venice area) with early morning parking restrictions, exempting vehicles with District No. 523 permits, City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (CP-LB)
c. Appeal No. A-5-VEN-08-344 (City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Transportation, Los Angeles) Appeal by Peggy Lee Kennedy et al and Executive Director, Peter Douglas from decision of City of Los Angeles granting permit to City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Transportation to establish Overnight Parking District No. 526 (in the Villa Marina area) with early morning parking restrictions, exempting vehicles with District No. 526 permits.  City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (CP-LB)
This is the last agenda item for the day but it could be moved elsewhere. We will let everyone know asap.  Please attend. Everyone is important.

1 comment:

  1. I believe the concern has to do with overnight homeless sleeping and staying in the coastal areas; these beautiful, coastal neighborhoods should not be spoiled by unsanitary and sometimes unsafe conditions.
